It is a misconception that armed security guards would be more effective than unarmed security guards. In fact, you’d be surprised to know that unarmed security guards make more sense and deliver better performance for your buck. Choosing armed security guards should be done with extreme caution. Hiring unarmed security guards is always a better option. If you are unaware of the benefits of hiring unarmed security guards, keep reading. If you are looking to hire a security guard but can’t decide whether to hire armed security guards or unarmed guards, we are here to help. Here we will provide top good reasons why you should choose unarmed security guards.
If your business is facing high-risk threats such as armed robbery, or violent conflict, hiring armed security might be needed. However, many businesses face low-security risks and they can benefit from employing unarmed security guards. Situations that constitute a low-security threat level include traffic control, entry access, general surveillance, retail loss prevention, and corporate security settings. An unarmed security guard can fulfill your need for enhanced security order and safety adequately.
Unarmed security guards can provide top-quality protection for you and your business at a much lower cost. Hence, hiring unarmed security guards can save you money. However, armed security guards can cost more and it can put a difficult strain on your budget. Unarmed security guards perform as well as armed security guards. They have to go through rigorous training and satisfy licensing requirements before getting employed. Professional unarmed security guards can help you achieve improved security in low-risk situations. Take help from Eagle Eye Security to get unarmed security guard in Bakersfield, CA.
When you hire armed security guards, you deploy lethal force. You may have to run with the risk of the fallout of an incident using lethal force. Moreover, your visitors might feel uncomfortable seeing the presence of arms inside your property. If someone gets injured or killed at the site, you’re protecting them as a result of hired armed security guard. This can be a devastating blow to your business financially, emotionally, and to your business reputation. Keeping a lethal force away from your property can protect your business or event and give your increased peace of mind. If the situation calls for armed force, your security guards can take help from local law enforcement officers to handle it. Contact Eagle Eye Security to hire unarmed security guard in Bakersfield, CA. Visit our website https://www.eagleeye247.com/ to get more details about our company. Call us on (619)-278-9990 to get more details.